About super-KIKI shop

About super-KIKI shop




わたしはそれがどこからきて、何でできているのかを知りたい。もはや身体に組み込まれ一部になってしまったこのまとわりつくぬかるみを見つめ、そこから自由になりたいともがくその抵抗こそ、紛れもなくわたしの意思であるということが実感できるからだ。ない ものにされないために。声を出せなくても、あなたがそこにいることが抵抗であり意思であることを世に知らせるために。

play, cross, disturb,


In 2011, I started making T-shirts with a silk-screen printing machine. It was to spread awareness and discuss the issue of nuclear power with many people.

Expressing and crafting. It is the joy of my life but at the same time, if I do not stay cautious where my desire goes, up, down, left, or right, I will either be incorporated into the system or be marginalized.

A myriad web of power rains down from above our heads, clinging to our hair, controlling our lungs, limbs, and mouths with each long breath. I want to know where it comes from and what it is made of so that I can look at the mud that has become a part of my body and realize that my resistance to freeing myself from it is undeniably my will.

To not be taken away. To let the world know that your presence is resistance and will, even if you cannot speak out.

play, cross and disturb.

Wearing the ideology, play, cross and disturb the world.


